The Cumberland River is the raw water source for the Omohundro WTP. A new intake provides 158 mgd of capacity.
A new raw water pumping station increases plant capacity and raises the hydraulic grade line to allow gravity feed through the upgraded plant to the finished water pumping station. The new pumping station will also provide equalization for return flows and chemical storage and feed for raw water chemicals.
Pretreatment inlet area provides chemical addition and flash mix of chemicals in addition to flow split into the four (4) pretreatment basins.
Three stages of flocculation with vertical shaft turbine mixers provides 30 minutes of flocculation time at full plant capacity.
Sedimentation through an inclined lamella plate system provides clarified water for filtration. Solids removal from the basins will be achieved using non metallic chain and flight collectors.
New filters utilize deep dual media of anthracite over sand with a nozzle underdrain system. Filter backwash includes air scour and a new backwash system for backwash rates up to 22 gpm/sq ft.
The existing filters will be re-purposed to operate as post filter granular activated carbon contactors for organic carbon removal. The modified filter boxes will provide an empty bed contact time of 10 minutes at full plant capacity.
A clearwell located below the new filters and a separate new buried reservoir will provide 15 MG for primary disinfection and operational storage.
New finished water pumps will be co-located in the new Pumping Station along with the raw water pumps. This facility will consolidate the largest electrical loads at the plant to simplify power distribution. Six new split case pumps will boost treated water into the distribution system.
New chemical storage and feed facilities will be located near the application points in the Raw and Finished Water Pumping Station, Pretreatment, and Filters.
A clearwell located below the new filters and a separate new buried reservoir will provide 15 MG for primary disinfection and operational storage.